Version 2.0

I really think that this isn't a 2.0 version, more like a 1.5 or 1.7 version. but i changed most of the code idk.

The changes:

-new ui using standard tkinter buttons. more stylized if you ask me, besides the buttons now have animation when they're pressed.

-new sound for the buttons, when i changed to tkinter buttons and implemented the color highlighting for them, i realized that sometimes when you pressed the buttons quickly, the color changing for the button overlaps with the button you pressed.

so for that i used pygame and simple voice generated from clip champ.

-new background music, this was only a silly implementation

-new start sound, another silly implementation

for the future id like to change the ui more, adding the scoreboard to the right side of the window and remaking/optimizing the logic

thx for downloading!


Simon Says 2.0.exe 33 MB
Aug 13, 2024


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